The First Batch of 2023!


The First Batch of the Year is Your Favorite Maerzen

We love brewing German beers – they are traditional and, in the world of modern American ales, they also feel quite exotic. The festive Maerzen/Březňák is one of the most beloved beer styles of our western neighbors, certainly helped by its legendary consumption during Oktoberfest. So, what kind of beer is it?

The recipe for Březňák has evolved since the 16th century, when it was documented, but its essence remains the same. The end of the brewing season was set by Bavarian laws to St. George's Day, as the rising temperatures increased the risk of fire (not to mention the dangerously high fermentation temperatures). The March beer was therefore stronger and more heavily hopped, which ensured a longer shelf life, allowing it to be drunk until September. Regionally, light, amber, and semi-dark variations of this bottom-fermented beer can be found.

Our version, which we brewed on January 11th and 12th, is based on Bavarian recipes, using local melanoidin and caramelized barley malts, giving the beer more body and an amber color. It's a single hop, with bitterness and mild citrus aroma provided by Mandarina Bavaria, a relatively new German hop bred from the legendary American Cascade variety.

On tap in March! So, may God give luck.