Czech Lager is a Phenomenon...


Lednice Lager - The Brewery's Flagship...

In our series, today we move to a place that even the average consumer knows well. Today, we shine a light on a Czech beer classic.

Even in the time of the beer renaissance, lager remains by far the most common and popular beer type. And the best-selling ones, American Budweiser and Bud Light, reference the South Bohemian city in the Budweis basin, famous not only for its beer.

Czech lager is simply a phenomenon, thanks to high-quality soft water, the unique aroma of Žatec hops, floor malts from two-row barley, and last but not least, the decoction method of brewing beer.

So what is this mysterious decoction?

It is a method of brewing beer that originated in a time when a usable thermometer was not a common piece of equipment, neither in the kitchen nor anywhere else. A medieval brewer only reliably knew two temperatures: the freezing point (not very useful for brewing) and the bubbling boiling point. With this knowledge, he could proportionally divide the mash, and while one part rested, he slowly brought the other to a boil. The boiling released more sugar-forming enzymes from the then less refined malts, the Maillard reaction contributed to a fuller body and better foam… and so the brewer often repeated this process once or twice after combining the mash (brewing with one, two, or three decoctions).

Our lager is brewed with two decoctions, using this ancient method. The full malty body of golden color is complemented by the pleasant bitterness of Žatec hop Premiant and finished with Žatec semi-early red.

This immortal classic in a chilled pint glass suits any weather, whatever the occasion.

We serve it at the bar, and you can also buy it in glass and PET bottles. The filtered version is also available in cans.

So, may God give luck!

Lednice Lager 12°

Alcohol: 5.1% ABV

Gravity: 12% wt.

Reserve your seats in the restaurant and come taste it.